Search Results - Taylor Swift new album Grammy Award Nominations AnnouncedThe nominations for the 63rd annual Grammy A... Grammy University Of Melbourne Holds Conference On Taylor SwiftThere’s no doubt, singer Taylor Swift is o... Taylor Couple Gets Married At Taylor Swift ConcertIt definitely beats getting married in a cou... Taylor Kanye West Claims ‘God’ Initiated His Interruption During Taylor Swift’s MTV AwardKanye West infamously ran on stage at the MT... West Taylor Swift Apart Of Elite Group Who Met The Man Behind The Marshmello MaskEveryone knows him as Marshmello, the famous... Taylor Kanye West Once Again Throws Shade At Taylor SwiftFans have been watching the feud between Kan... Snake Taylor Swift To Make Directorial DebutPop superstar Taylor Swift is about to make ... Swift Taylor Swift Named Time Person Of The YearShe’s not only smashing industry records a... Swift City Of Louisville Pays Out $12 Million to Breonna Taylor’s FamilyThe American City of Louisville in the state... Taylor New Zealand Imposes Lifelong Smoking BanSeen as one of the world’s toughest crackd... Zealand Fugees Forced To Cancel Reunion TourJust when music artists got excited that the... Tour Baby On Nirvana Album Cover Sues BandThe baby who appeared naked on rock band Nir... Album New York City Cancels World Famous New Year’s Eve Ball DropThe world famous New York Times Square New Y... Times New Zealand Records New Infections After 100 Day Mark Of No New CasesNew Zealand recently marked 100 days with no... Cases Foo Fighters’ Taylor Hawkins DiesTaylor Hawkins, the drummer of the rock grou... Hawkins Big Name Changes On The Horizon For The Eastern CapePort Elizabeth? Don’t you mean Gqeberha?Oh... Name Adele Convinces Spotify To Remove Shuffle ButtonIt seems as if she has the world at her feet... Spotify Love Island's Chris Taylor Pranks Fans With a Get Fit Quick TransformationFans of Love Island UK will remember Chris T... Chris Singapore Airlines To Launch World’s New Longest FlightIf you missed flying during the COVID-19 pan... Singapore Microsoft Wants You To Choose New Default FontFor nearly 15 years, Calibri has been the de... Font Cape Epic PostponedThe Absa Cape Epic has been postponed to lat... Epic Coke Makes New Tech Inspired FlavourJust recently Coca-Cola announced that it wi... Byte Kanye West Wants To Change His Name To YeWhether it’s a publicity stunt to go along... Name Tom Hardy Chosen As The New James BondBritish actor, Tom Hardy, has been chosen as... Bond 123 >